Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer 2011 Bible Study: Week 3 Day 1

Hello! Welcome to week 3! It has been an awesome two weeks and I can’t wait to see where the Lord leads us in our time together over the next 7 days. I loved mediating on yesterday’s Psalm and I feel like we should do it again.

This is how I spend some of my time in the Word, I open it, let the pages fall where they may and read. I then come back during the day and re-read what I have already read, that way, I give the Lord a second chance to really teach me.

So, today, turn with me to Psalm 136.

Read it, mediate on this scripture all day. Take it with you, highlight it in your Bible. But, let’s try to read over it 3 times today.

Tell me, in a comment if you would like, is this something new for you? How have you liked it? Was it weird? What did you learn?


  1. I've found that by doing this I can keep my mind on him more thorugh out the day. My patience is higher and my mood is better. Because all day i'm reminded that His love endures forever.
    <3 Jacque Kosmicki

  2. I do this many times when reading my bible. I pray and ask Jesus to show me what I need to know, open my bible and read where is falls opens. It always seems that I needed the word that it opened on. Great idea... I have never thought about reading it three times that day, so these two days have been great... getting the word into us more than once a day. AWESOME~

  3. I love this particular psalm for the oral history combined with call and response. Worshipful.
