Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer 2011 Bible Study: Week 1 Day 6

Hello my sweet friends! Wow, it really feels like summer today, the sun is out, the morning air is cool but the temperature for today should be warm enough to play outside in the toddler pool with my son. I love this time of year and I love our time together, throughout the day, in the Word. I love that His Word is being read in various parts of the World and at various times during the day! PRAISE HIM!

We have covered a lot of scripture in the last few days, can you believe we are almost at the end of our first week!

Sweet Jesus is so good to us. He meets us where we are at and He adores us. I love learning more and more about Him.

Lord, thank You for meeting with us as we study Your Word. Thank You for the blessings You have given us. I praise You for who You are and for what You have taught me! Meet with me today and teach me something new. Amen.

Well my friends, we are going to try something new. Let's review the scriptures we have studied. Let's spend some time just reading His word and nothing else.

Turn to Matthew Chapter 1. Take sometime and read Matthew, Chapters 1-4.

I don't want to forget what we have learned. I don't want to move so quickly through the Word that we don't take time to just read it, soak it in, remember it and love it.

As you go about your day, remember His word.

Write a few scriptures from the four chapters we have studied on a few Sticky Notes or Index Cards and place them around your home, maybe in your car, on your mirror, in your wallet, etc.

If you have missed any of the days, feel free to start where you left off... we are not in a hurry and the point is to get to know Jesus. Take your time and study His word as your schedule allows. The posts are listed on the right hand side of the blog. If you click on the day you want, it will pop up and you can read and comment.

Before we close in prayer today, leave a comment and let us know which scriptures you wrote down and what part of these four chapters of Matthew stood out to you the most.

Lord, Your Word is good. You are good. Remind me of what I have learned and help me to love You with my words and actions today. Give me patience, bless me with joy, kindness, goodness and help me have self control. You are good, I love you. Amen.


  1. Matthew 4:1-11 has really been stuck in my mind. I often struggle with the whole concept of Jesus *really* feeling, I wonder if he really felt the way I would if I had been out there for 40 days! But at the same time it is good to know that He went through a lot of the same things I face, and even more!

  2. "Bear fruit in keeping with repentance." (3:8)
    And the repetition of the phrase, "that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled."

  3. Matthew 4:4, 10
    A constant reminder to turn to the cross for my satisfation, and the filling of my soul.

  4. Thank you for a great first week. It has been wonderful spending time in the word and learning about our wonderful God! We are all just so blessed to be able to worship HIM and learn more about him. The book of Matthew is full of awesome info and I learn more and more each time I read it.

  5. A little behind.. sorry.

    Matthew 4: 10

    At times I could feel just as Jesus did. Somone asking him to do things that he knew was bad, but feelin g as if he had no other options. But Jesus didn't cave in! He simply fought temtation with the Word. And I know I want to be able to do that someday.

    <3Jacque Kosmicki

  6. I love being able to write scriptures down that help you for how you feel that specific day. No matter how I am feeling, I know I can find an encouraging verse, even easier through this course. Thanks, ad I love this website!
