Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer 2011 Bible Study: Week 1 Day 7

Well, we have made it to day 7 of our first week. Today started off rough, not to mention a little late. But, the Lord is never late and His Word is always true, regardless of what time we open it. So, here we go, a little late, but ready to read and study. I must be honest; I am starting off today’s study in an interesting place. I am cranky and frustrated. I have woken up with a headache and I would love to go back to bed. Not only that but my heart is hurt, and when my heart is hurt, I find it even harder to open the Word and really read it. I am amazed at our ability to hurt one another with the words we say. Interesting how we now live in a time where the opportunities to hurt one another with our words have grown, we now can use text messaging, email, face book, instant messaging, voice mail, hand written letters and of course person to person contact. That is 7 different ways one person can hurt another with the words they say. And today, my heart has been hurt. So, we are going to be faithful and open the Word, in the midst of our junk and trust that He has a plan for the portion of scripture we will study.

Lord, meet me where I am. Remove the distractions that surround me and help me to open Your Word and learn something new about You. Remove the moodiness and frustration that comes out of nowhere, remove the bitterness that hides deep within and remove the unspoken stuff that keeps my mind off You. Replace those things with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control. I am relying on You today. Amen

Turn with me to Matthew Chapter 5. I have heard of the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes, I have heard them in sermons and teachings, I have heard other people talk about them, and yet, I have never really dove into the Word and discovered them myself. Until today, I am going to dive in and see what the Word has and learn something new. Are you with me?

Take a few moments and read Matthew 5:1-12.

One of the things I have learned is that the Sermon on the Mount contains the teachings of Jesus in Matthew Chapters 5-7. It is more than the Beatitudes, which is the portion of scripture we just read in Matthew 5:1-12. Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount on a hillside near Capernaum, and He probably spent several days teaching. So, since He spent several days teaching the material, we will spend several days learning the material. So let’s dive in…

We are told in Matthew 5:1 that the crowds of people were following Jesus and when He saw them, He pulled His disciples aside for some alone time, just them, on a hillside. Jesus was popular, people talked about Him, people wanted to see Him and with Him, came His disciples. I am sure these 12 men struggled with feelings of pride, power, popularity, and more. So it is only fitting that Jesus would pull these men aside for a little private time to learn about the temptations they would face.

I believe the Beatitudes are significant because it sums up the characteristics and traits that Jesus is looking for in those who choose to follow Him. He called out His disciples to love differently than those around them, and I believe He asks us to do the same. So, we are going to look at each beatitude individually, then we are going to look at an Old Testament connection and then we are going to look at the Lord’s reward for those who love Him mentioned within each beatitude, and finally we are going to look at the Word for help on how to develop each beatitude into a personal attitude. So, here we go…

Read Matthew 5:3 carefully.

For the Old Testament Connection: Turn with me to Isaiah 57:15

Isaiah tells us that Sweet Jesus lives in a high and holy place and in the depths with those who are poor in spirit. I adore the fact that Sweet Jesus lives in the high and holy place and is dwelling with me today, in the depths of my junk.

The Lord’s Reward: It is my personal belief that the reward the Word mentions for those who love Him is that the Kingdom of Heaven is ours. What could be a better gift than that?

Personal Attitude Application: I think James 4:7-10 gives us 5 great ways we can be near to the Lord, in the midst of our junk. Turn with me to James 4:7-10 and spend a few moments reading.

#1: Submit to God: We are told to submit ourselves to God. This means, we are to yield to His authority and we can do so by committing our lives to Him and His control and be willing to following Him.

#2: Resist the Devil: We are told to resist the devil and he will flee from us. This means, we are not to give Satan the power and pleasure of enticing us and tempting us. We are to flee from him, we are to run the opposite way.

#3: Wash our hands & purify our hearts: We are told to wash our hands, purify our hearts, and I believe we are also told to be mindful of our ability to be double-minded. We can do so by being cleansed from our sin on a daily, hourly, minute by minute basis, we can repent. Then, we can be cautious of our actions, to make sure we don’t say one thing and do another, which leads to double-mindedness.

#4: Grieve, mourn and wail: We are given permission to be sad. We can be sad because of what we have done, we can be sad because of the hurts other people have caused and we can be sad on behalf of others. We have permission to be emotional. Praise Jesus! I adore Him for He allows me to come to Him emotionally spent and tear-filled. He welcomes my blubbering mess with open arms, sometimes on a daily basis even.

#5: Humble ourselves before the Him: I believe when we humble ourselves before Him, it gives Him the opportunity to pick us up, pieces and all, and do His greatest work in us.

Read Matthew 5:4 carefully.

For the Old Testament Connection: Turn with me to Isaiah 61:1-3

This is one of my most beloved portions of scripture. I love the fact that Jesus, my Sweet Jesus has come to proclaim the Lord’s favor, I love that He will comfort me when I mourn and remove the stain of regret and replace it with a crown of beauty, I adore Him for clothing me in a garment of praise rather than the rags of despair. And that I, broken, hurt, damaged and sinful me, will be called an oak of righteousness and planted for the display of His splendor and glory!

The Lord’s reward: Comfort! Renewal! Beauty!

Personal Attitude Application: I think James 4:7-10 is again, a great place to start. Let’s focus in on just a few points.

#1: Submit to God: We are told to submit ourselves to God. This means, we are to yield to His authority and we can do so by committing our lives to Him and His control and be willing to following Him.

#4: Grieve, mourn and wail: We are given permission to be sad. We can be sad because of what we have done, we can be sad because of the hurts other people have caused and we can be sad on behalf of others. We have permission to be emotional. Praise Jesus! I adore Him for He allows me to come to Him emotionally spent and tear-filled. He welcomes my blubbering mess with open arms, sometimes on a daily basis even.

#5: Humble ourselves before the Him: I believe when we humble ourselves before Him, it gives Him the opportunity to pick us up, pieces and all, and do His greatest work in us.

Read Matthew 5:5 carefully.

For the Old Testament Connection: Turn with me to Psalm 37:5-11

Oh how I love these verses. Read them carefully, read them over and over. These verses are mending my heart as I read them. Oh how I love, love, love, the power of His word.

The Lord’s reward: The meek, the broken, the weary, the tired, the hurt, will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.

Personal Attitude Application: Psalm 37:5-11: Commit our ways to the Lord, be still and wait on Him, refrain from anger and turn from wrath, rest in Him.

So, today, I am, personally, going to end here. Because I need to spend the day committing my ways to the Lord, I need to be still and wait on Him and I need to refrain from anger and turn from wrath. I need to spend time remembering the Word we have learned today. Do not worry, we will pick up here tomorrow, but for today, spend time remembering what we have learned.

Before we close in prayer, leave a comment, and let us in on where you are in life so we can be praying over each other as we read His Word together.

Lord, thank you. Your Word is renewal, Your Word is redemption, Your word is peace. May I keep it close as the day continues. Amen.


  1. Hello my friends. I am in a place in life that is just overwhelming at times. I find peace in His Word and don't want to miss it for a moment. I am enjoying our journey together!

  2. Hey there. Goodness, there is so much that could be prayed over. But the largest would have to be growing in my faith. I've newly come to God and the love I feel is over whelming at times, but honestly, i'm scared it's going to be taken from me. <3 Jacque Kosmciki

  3. I am in prayer for you daily! I pray that God comforts your heart and gives you peace and happiness. I am sorry friend that someone or something hurt you. We as people don't think before we open our mouths and we so much want to take it back afterwards. His word is our renewal and we have to look upon HIM to give al of our worries and struggles to. Today is just that, today. Tomorrow is a new day with new adventures and new emotions, thoughts, and cares.Blessings to you and your family today. Thank you for staying in the word and being devoted to us ladies when you are hurt. God is protecting you as we speak.

  4. I'm late too - but here with you. Thank you for this. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........

  5. Thanks for sharing today Mary. And I hope that whatever has hurt you, God has been able to wipe it away and restore your heart. I have to say my point in life is very far from God. Hate to say it, but need to admit it. I am frustrated with our living situation, frustrated with people, frustrated with my sickness, my sons sickness, and still trying to deal with post-partum depression. Everything combined has caused me to be one bitter, angry person. And frankly I am tired of living this way. It doesnt help anything. I know deep down God has His hands on everything, I just need to learn to trust Him again

  6. We're staring down the barrel of another transition, albeit one we knew was coming. As we serve overseas, it seems our only roots are in the Lord, and that is a very sweet place to live...when my faith is big enough. When it's not, I yearn for the stability of house and home, secure jobs and nearby family, especially now that we have little ones.

  7. I often feel stressed and unloved, but I know He wil help me as I continue to wait upon Him and push the devil away.

  8. Yesterday was a rough day with my kids. I was overwhelmed and at the end of my rope with them. Psalm 37:8 hit me hard this morning. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath, do not fret - it only leads to evil. I would love prayer that I no matter what, I would respond to my kids with the truth in love, and not in angry harsh words and actions.
