Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer 2011 Bible Study: Week 4 Day 4

Well my friends, it is morning and I am awake and in the Word. Praise Him. Not only that, but I am also adventuring out to a water park with my 3 year old and 35 high school and jr. high kids, today. Praise Him for the summer adventures!

I have wanted to look at a portion of the Word, a story that is found in 3 out of the 4 Gospels. And, I want to spend sometime today reading over and over again, it as I hold down the fort at the water park, because this mama is not going on any rides, so I will have plenty of time to read and research. But will you join me in reading the same story in 3 different books.

I will come back to the blog and post a few things about what I have learned as I spent the day in the Word and researching... sound good?

So, read Matthew 9:9-13

Then read Mark 2:13-17

And finally, read Luke 5:27-31

I love this story and I want to see it from all perspectives given. I am off to read and read again and do a little research.

In the mean time, in a comment... tell me what you think of this story...


  1. Jesus doesn't look for worthy people; He makes them worthy Himself. What a sweet thing to be a disciple of Christ.

  2. Follow me. These two words held weight for me. Two simple words that sums everything up. Follow me.
