Monday, June 14, 2010

"I'm good, how are you?"

You see, I am on an adventure to attempt to figure out how to be REAL with people. You know... when someone asks me "how are you"... I normally replay "I am good, how are you?"...

And the reality is if I were to answer that question right now, today... I would say: "I am in an interesting place. A woman has decided to make my life as stressful as possible, she is wealthy, I use to respect her, technically I use to work for her, and now, she just haunts my dreams. She has made my nights filled with night mares and restless sleep, she has stirred up fear and anxiety that I refuse to allow in my home and she has brought out a kind of person within me that I frankly am not sure I like. Other than that, I am good, how are you?"

Is that too much detail? Is that something that would fall into the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" category?

I don't know if I can go another day without saying something. This woman is DRIVING ME NUTS! I know the Word says we are to pray for our enemies and to be honest, I am at the point that I am praying for her to wake up in the middle of the night with indigestion, I am praying that her money disappears which means she would no longer be able to eat food from Whole Foods and fancy restaurants, there fore she forced to shop at Walmart and I pray she goes on a SUNDAY!

(Side note: this woman HATES Walmart, and has said to people that you can catch something from the kind of people who shop there)

Her disgust for Walmart annoys me, mostly because I shop there, always have and I find the people pleasant, the food good, the toys delightful to my two year old and I have yet to catch something from the "kind of people" that shop there...

Truthfully, I am at my whits end. I am tired. I am spent and I am done being a "I'm good, how are you" kind of person when it's not true.

So, I ask... How ARE you?

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